
  1. Lawrence County - Mid Year Update 2020

    Jul. 21, 2020

    Our office wanted to give a quick mid-year update. Although we’ve taken a new approach there are currently many great things going on with OSU Extension and our reach to the community.

    Attached you will find a report for each individual program area. If you have any questions or ideas for programming needs, please let us know!

    OSU Extension Lawrence County - Mid Year Update 2020

  2. Take the stress out of providing nutritious meals and snacks to your children by participating at a site near you!

    Jun. 24, 2020

    The USDA Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) was established to fill the gap when children lose access to meals when schools are closed. Most often this occurs during summer vacation. However, during school closures related to the pandemic, meals are also being made available. You have the opportunity to supplement the food you have at home with meals and snacks for your children from local schools and community organizations.

  3. Food Preservation Office Hours

    May. 21, 2020

  4. Lawrence County 4-H Upate

    May. 01, 2020

    Lawrence County 4-H Update, May 1st

    Livestock Updates

  5. Lawrence 4-H Update: T-Shirt Contest, Cloverbud Cloverbot Challenge, FAQ Update and More

    Apr. 16, 2020

    OSU Extension, Lawrence County has been working remotely for one month now and I read an article a few days ago challenging us to reach the “growth zone” during this unique time. Am I living in the here and now? Making the most out of each day or still just in a holding zone? I hope you all are with me in the here and now, living our current “new normal” the best we know how.

  6. Chow Line: Keeping food fresh longer amid corona virus pandemic

    Apr. 13, 2020

    I’m only shopping once or twice a month now, as I abide by the Ohio Stay at Home Order during the COVID-19 pandemic. How can I make sure my food lasts as long as possible so that I don’t have to keep going back to the store?

    Your question is on the minds of many people nationwide, as the majority of the country continues efforts to flatten the curve and lessen the spread of COVID-19. In Ohio, for example, on April 2, the Stay at Home Order was extended to May 1.

  7. Lawrence County 4-H FAQ, Market Lamb, Goat, and Hog Tag-In, and More

    Apr. 10, 2020

    "Due to ongoing health concerns related to the COVID-19 pandemic, the decision has been made to cancel all Ohio State University Extension in-person programming through July 6. This includes all 4-H programs, activities, and events. Additionally, we’ve made the very difficult decision to cancel all 4-H camps thru August 31. Although in-person programming is cancelled, we will continue to offer virtual 4-H experiences."

  8. Financial Questions? We've got Answers!

    Mar. 31, 2020

  9. COVID-19: Resources for Farmers

    Mar. 20, 2020

    See the below links for the following information:

    Covid-19 Tax Implications for Farmers

    Questions regarding Covid-19 on Farms with Employees



    Mar. 17, 2020

    OSU Extension is deeply committed to the health and well-being of its staff and doing our part to help stem the spread of coronavirus disease COVID-19. Governor DeWine recently issued a state of emergency and implemented a variety of strategies to reduce the spread of the disease. In order to do our part in reducing risk to our employees or clientele, we have implemented a teleworking plan.
